August 23, 2021

10 financial advice for ordinary people!

First, don't think that if you make more money, you'll get rich

You can't get really rich just by making money. The three main factors that make an average person rich include working hard to earn money, learning to spend money, and investing.


Second, do not underestimate the role of compound interest

Third, people without money need financial management

"Money management is not just about earning a return on your principal investment, it's more of a financial mindset.


Fourth, to start managing your money, you may need to start small.

For example, try to keep a monthly account, save $100 a month, invest $10 in a fund, etc. Give yourself a little incentive to continue. Give yourself some rewards to encourage you to continue to manage your money.

Take the long view and don't worry about what you gain or lose in the moment

Investment management is also a high yield, long half-life things, short-term may not see the obvious effect, but over time, the principal is expanding, compound interest is also quietly play a role. "The investment management is not in a hurry, might as well watch for a while, slowly wait for the results.

Six, financial management is not the same as saving


The financial management is to organize the present financial, planning the future. You can spend money, but you must spend it correctly and well. As we mentioned earlier, after you get your salary, will you use it to buy a bag, or use it to study a course, or invest it? I believe you will have the answer when you see this.

Seven, save to fail life

If you only know how to save, without a little life atmosphere, really lost the original meaning of financial management.

Eight, don't just stare at the keyhole to see

In fact, what we really need to do is to improve our analysis and investment skills. The actual knowledge of financial management, analysis of the principle of ups and downs, in order to really learn to invest, to achieve the "lie earn".

9. financial management is the realization of cognitive and ability

Must learn to do more research and practice, so that the money earned is their own. Otherwise, the money earned by luck, or will be lost by strength.

Ten, continuous small earnings more reliable

Investment is a gradual process. The first time you think, I want to earn a million, I want to earn 10% in this life. We have to find ways to achieve this purpose.

Featured Articles:

Five financial management methods for the working class

What is the difference between lump sum investment and regular investment?

Value investors, how should we choose stocks?

How does inflation rob you of your wealth? It makes you poorer every day!

Posted by: fangfang123 at 07:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 07, 2019















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July 30, 2019















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July 24, 2019




























Posted by: fangfang123 at 04:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 15, 2019




這款神奇且受矚目的瘦臉儀器採用非侵入性治療,沒有傷口以及副作用,安全性比較高。很多女性在這裡做完這個治療以後,馬上投身到工作以及生活當中都沒有問題。對於想要快速瘦面的朋友,New Beauty HK的exilis pro年輕修復療程就是不錯的選擇,良好的效果和口碑也得到了市場的驗證。








Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 25, 2019



斑又分為很多種類,有妊娠斑、黃褐斑、雀斑、老年斑等。根據斑形成的原因對症治療就能很快淡化下去。人們一般想的就是去美容院進行淡斑美白,相對於個人來說,確實去美容院不失為一個好方法,他們畢竟是專業的。例如在new beauty美容院,就開設有picoway 去斑的療程,以治療儀器來輔助達到深層去除各種斑點的效果,使用專業的一起設備相對安全,不用麻藥,也不會造成皮膚損傷,在淡斑美白的同時還能緊致皮膚,祛皺等等。new beauty名下的picoway 去斑療程屬於皮秒激光去斑,安全能得到保障的同時,皮秒去斑價錢也是人們能接受的。



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Posted by: fangfang123 at 10:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 18, 2019















Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 13, 2019



新生入學後多數會問及這樣的問題:大學裏考試難嗎?這時候他們大概會被灌以所謂的 "經驗之談”:大學考試只要考試前幾天突擊一下就能通過了。確實,每學期的期末考試有人是 "臨時抱佛腳”僥幸通過的。進大學後,由於課程相對輕松,沒有老師督促,而且缺少明確的學習目標,有些學生日子過得迷迷糊糊的,平時或打工,或玩網絡遊戲,或奔忙於各類社團活動,花在學習上的時間很少,到考試臨近才開始擔心,臨時突擊。更有些學生臨到考前最後一天,才通宵達旦背書,到第二天早上八點多直接去考場考試。


大學 jupas聯招本科收生分數及要求一覽,有助同學了解大學收生準則。大學著重學生全方位發展,除公開考試成績外,亦會考慮學生的在非學術範疇的傑出表現、校長推薦、對學科的掌握及面試表現等。


在記者采訪新生過程中,不少新生向記者打聽哪個專業畢業了工作比較好找。有些同學簡單地認為選好了專業,將來就業就不成問題了。有的新生甚至對專業名稱望文生義,感性判斷,認為 "信息化”就是計算機, "新聞學”就是當記者, "財政學”就是當會計等等。

其實,這些觀念是對專業的誤解,專業並不等於工作。首先,所謂的熱門專業並不是就能找到理想的工作,誰都不能預測現在的熱門專業在四年後社會的供求情況會發生怎樣的變化,很多過去 "冷門”的專業現在不也供不應求嗎?相反過去一些一擁而上的專業現在已由熱變冷,所以說不能只看眼前的就業行情來定所學專業。其次,現在社會上工作和專業不對口的大學生多的是,並不是說你學什麼專業就會找到什麼工作。目前很多高校都在向綜合性大學發展,專業的覆蓋面及其就業面也越來越廣,各個學科不斷地綜合和分化,已經不能簡單地給以劃分。








Posted by: fangfang123 at 06:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 25, 2017

How to Look Good Without Makeup?

1. Cleansing
Take a shower everyday and clean your face using a cleanser that suits your skin type. Greasy hair and skin attracts more dust and dirt particles which not only makes your skin appear greasy and dirty but can also be the root cause of acne, blackheads and whiteheads. It is important for your skin to breathe, so make sure you clean your skin every day before going to bed.

2. Trim those tresses
You can completely change the way you look with a haircut and you need not necessarily have to chop your length off if you do not wish to. Opt for a change in style, get a cut that accentuates your features and is also manageable.

3. Dress it right
Wear clothes that you are comfortable in and that suit your body type and personality. Clothes, they say, maketh a man and clothes do say a lot about your choices and outlook in life. Get abreast with the latest trends and style quotients and update your wardrobe once in a while.

4. Work out
Get exercising daily; this will give you a healthy and fit body and nice attractive curves and thus help boost your level of confidence and the right attitude to carry yourself with much grace. Exercising also helps in increasing blood circulation, which makes the skin appear healthy and imparts a glow.

5. Shape your eyebrows right
Eyebrows are said to be the frame of the face, make sure you tidy them well. Too bushy or too thin eyebrows can absolutely make your whole effort to look gorgeous without makeup a complete failure.

6. Have kissable lips
It is very important that you exfoliate your lips regularly and keep them well hydrated. Chapped lips can spoil the complete look.

The best makeup for a lady is her self confidence and that can only come with not constantly trying to size yourself against other girls. You are what you are. Celebrate and flaunt your uniqueness!

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 24, 2017

Insightful Ways to Develop Feminine Traits

1. Give preference to women’s style
I’ve noticed that modern women love to wear men’s clothes. They usually do it for various purposes. Someone find a masculine fashion comfortable, while others feel 100 times more confident when wearing men’s clothes or have to stick to certain dress codes. Women who prefer to wear jeans, shirts, T-shirts, and sneakers look fashionable, beautiful and stylish, but not feminine.

Over the years these women have got used to men’s style and gradually lose the sense of femininity. They start wearing their hair short and forget about jewelry or other things that make them feminine and help them look bright against the cold surroundings. It’s okay to try something new and experiment with fashion, but it’s crucially important not to cross the line, because unusual styles can have a big influence on both men’s and women’s minds.

2. Develop a feminine voice
No matter how you slice it, the voice of a woman is an incredibly important thing that can either enhance her feminine allure or alienate people. Modern men set high standards of excellence for themselves and others, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. They find women with high-pitched female voices more attractive.

If for one or other reason you don’t have the voice of an angel, you shouldn’t fall into despondency about it. First of all, record your voice for you to hear it as other people hear and analyze what kind of voice you have. If you have a lower-pitched, creaky and rude voice, consider using different feminine voice techniques to develop a female voice.

But the pitch of the voice isn’t the only thing you should focus on. Develop a feminine enunciation, expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar. As soon as you reach all these goals, you’ll be able to win the hearts of men with the help of one or two phrases.

3. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings
It’s hard to change something in life, if there’s a complete disharmony in your inner world. Many ladies cannot reach a new level of femininity, because they’re the victims of deep-seated feelings and emotions. Psychologists state that hatred, resentment, negativity, envy and obsessive thoughts can lead to different somatic disorders and steal femininity. All unexpressed emotions usually cause increased muscle tension, spasms and have a negative effect on women’s emotional state.

As a result, women find it difficult to maintain femininity and correct posture due to muscle stiffness. This stiffness gradually replaces their graceful and beautiful movements by awkward ones.I don’t want to frighten you. I just want you to realize that it’s necessary to solve inner conflicts and achieve a peace of mind, before you make femininity, success and charisma your aims.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 06:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 465 words, total size 3 kb.

April 12, 2017

What Is Your Legacy?

During a recent speech, I told the audience that my mission was to empower the self-employed to succeed. Instantly a hand shot up in the audience. "What's your definition of success?" I smiled to myself -- I love it when they ask this question!

There are as many definitions of success as there are self employed people. Success could be "hitting my financial goals," or "becoming a nationally-known speaker." But I challenge you to add one more component to your definition of success: What will you leave behind as your lasting legacy?

Every single one of us leaves a legacy. Your very existence has an impact on the world whether you intend it or not. So, how do you want to be remembered?

Ask yourself, "If I died today ..."

What would I want people to say about me?
How have I helped other people?
Have I done my best, given my all?
Did my life have meaning and purpose?
Working towards a legacy in both your business and personal life keeps you motivated and performing at your peak. It gives a higher purpose to your life and work. Your work has an edge and energy because you're no longer just "doing work," you're building a legacy. Above all, it helps you share the fullest of what you are. And that's what I call Success!

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 07, 2017

Your Mind is a Battlefield

Every person should enjoy life in abundance and prosperity, but unfortunately, too many of God's people are living way below their nu skin hk potential. So many have health issues, broken relationships, and/or no money in their bank account.

Most of the these types of problems are the result of what is going on in the minds of those who experience them.

In everyone's mind there are always at least three voices being heard, God's, the devil's, and your own flesh. Which voice you obey is based on your ability to discern (which is next week's topic).

For now, you must understand that your mind is a battlefield. It's where your decisions are made based on who's direction you are following. Who's direction you follow will ultimately determine where you end up.

In many self-help books, they say to always begin with the end in mind. That is, to have a mental picture of the way you would like for things to be. Now, I'm sure you have an idea of what you would like for your life to be, but how focused are you?

Are you focused at all? You see, it's nu skin hong kong right there where the battle is won or lost! Satan will do everything in his power to deter you from the dream God has shown you. He wants to set up strongholds in your life to hold you in bondage due to a certain way of thinking. This certain way of thinking is causng you to not believe.

Understand that the devil is more focused on your dream than you are! And he is determined to keep you from it. If he can keep you from achieving your objectives, he doesn't have to be as concerned about you interfering with his.

Your mind is a battlefield, and if you're going to win, you got to know how the game is played.

Copyright 2005 Daniel N Brown

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 23, 2017


With moisture fairly dripping from their garments, hanging in beads from their eyebrows, and seeming to penetrate to their innermost surgical robotic system being, as water does a sponge, Ned, Bob and Jerry stood at the rail of the transport moodily discussing the situation.

Yes, they were moody. It was, indeed, enough to make any one moody, though perhaps they should have been thankful that their QV baby cream lives were spared and that they were able to be up on deck, and not obliged to lie stretched on a cot in the sick bay. But the boys thought they had just cause for grievance, and perhaps they had.

Certainly to be disabled far out at sea was bad enough, without having to be fog-bound, to run the risk of crashing into some other vessel, having some big steamer, or perhaps a war craft, crash into them, or bear down on an QV baby cream immense iceberg which might be the cause of the very fog that would hasten their destruction.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 173 words, total size 1 kb.

March 15, 2017


One bright, beautiful day, we were all made happy by a visit from the oldest son of the family, a surgeon in the Confederate army. The river, winding almost around the plantation, was "up to its banks" from recent heavy rains, all the bridges dermes vs medilase had been destroyed, and we felt comparatively safe from the Federals on the other side, though Baton Rouge was only nine miles away. The Doctor, who wore Confederate gray ornamented with Louisiana pelican buttons, rode a fine large horse, which he left in the stables some distance from the house.

Sitting around the broad fireplace[70] in mother's room, talking of the home people and the war, we were enjoying the unexpected visit, when one of the girls chanced to look out through the south door. She turned very pale, and dermes vs medilase exclaimed, "Look at the soldiers!" All around the kitchen, talking to the servants, and all over the grounds were Federal soldiers on horseback.

What was to be done? If our brother was captured it meant imprisonment to the end of the war, and perhaps death. When he realized the situation, for he had been near the door and knew they had come for him and were questioning the dermes servants, he dropped on his knees, crept into a small room adjoining, where two of us pulled off his gray coat and replaced it by an old one from the wardrobe, gave him a book, and[71] someone whispered, "Go into the guest-chamber and wait. Take these old trousers with you." He slipped into the quiet room, and taking a seat by the window, and opening the book, assumed the r?le of an invalid. Then we hastily concealed the Confederate uniform, but where we put it I can never remember. It was securely hidden.

By that time the Federal officers and some of the men were in the house looking around with curiosity, but they offered no explanation about their call. There were five or six bright, pretty girls in the house, and, contrary to our usual custom, we chatted with the officers and used all our attractive powers to keep them in front of the house and on the broad veranda. Our attentions seemed to please them, and the private soldiers[72] were quietly ordered out and were not allowed to search for and appropriate valuables as they usually did.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 401 words, total size 3 kb.

February 21, 2017

By Watching Talk Show Hosts

If you want to learn how to be a good conversationalist, a really useful place to start is by watching television!

Not just any television mind you - you can learn a lot about how to have successful conversations by watching talk show hosts!

One of the most important qualities exhibited by good talk show hosts on television that you can easily incorporate into your own conversations is the way they really pay attention to the person they are talking with.

The most successful talk show hosts demonstrate great curiosity in hearing what the person they are interviewing has to say. Even if they aren't really interested in the topic or the person, you would never know it by watching them. They listen intently, and they ask a lot of open-ended questions.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 137 words, total size 1 kb.

February 08, 2017

About More Than Looks

It is not all about the looks. Men might find apartment rental this hard to believe, but it is true. For most women, looks are a requisite but not the most important thing they are looking for in a guy. There are a handful of other things that women look for in their man and a proper mix of these things is what most girls prefer. In case you rank not too high in the looks department or if you are right at the top, whatever is the case, read on to know what the other factors that girls care about are.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 17, 2017

Fishing Cocktail

Everyone who fishes either for sport or fun knows that while fishing itself is simple, catching fish is not. There are times when we think we have it all figured out, then days go by without as much as a nibble. What has happened, did we lose our expertise? Are the fish getting smarter? Maybe it's the weather. In fact there are many factors that weigh into whether we are catching fish or just passing time. Even though there are many factors, I would argue there are only 3 main parts bvi registered agent to pouring ourselves the perfect fishing cocktail. Since drink names such as "Sex on the Beach" and "Fuzzy Navel" have already been taken, may I suggest "Fish on a Hook?" The drink may be made with any combination of the ingredients. They do not have to be of equal parts, but to make a "Fish on a Hook" all 3 must be present. So put your barkeeper's hat on and let's start.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 06:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 16, 2016


When Seth communicated his design to PolyU Facebook the commander of the fort, the latter at first made fun of him. Then, finding he was in thorough earnest, sought to dissuade him from it; but at last, realizing the seriousness of the young fellow's purpose, and coming to think that, after all, he might carry it through successfully and gain some valuable information, he consented to him and Reuben making the venture.

They set out in the early morning of a December day, each having a blanket and a knapsack, containing four days' provisions, strapped on his back, and the rest of the garrison gave them a cheer as they glided away northward.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 03:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 14, 2016

Can Teach You Valuable Lessons

Some of the toughest lessons that we face are from our failures. But it’s also these same failures that can provide the most useful lessons if we only allow them to be. I’m going to be brave to share with you one of the biggest failures and resulting lessons from my own life.

In 1990, I became certified as a Level 1 ski instructor by the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance, which is the governing body for professional joyetech ego one v2 ski instructors here in Canada. I always wanted to become a Level 2 instructor. The abilities of a Level 2 ski instructor is considered to be a very respectable skiing level. So after a few years as a Level 1, I decided to take the Level 2 certification course.

The Level 2 ski instructor course turned out to be the most grueling course I have ever taken, as it was an intensive five-day program with both on snow and indoor sessions. The course conductors who were Level 4 instructors, were constantly evaluating us. Level 4s are considered ski gods here in Canada.

Posted by: fangfang123 at 04:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 29, 2016

Every Aspect Of Life

1. Speak Less, Ask More
Those who are great with people don’t necessary have the gift-of-gab, but rather, are great at asking questions. One of the most important social skills you can develop is the ability to ask questions; not in an interrogating way, but in the way that will help you understand people better and strengthen your relationship with them. People love talking about themselves, so asking questions that trigger memories (i.e. "What was it like for you when…?”); cause them to give their opinion (i.e. "What do you think about…?”); or ask for advice (i.e. "I have a dilemma and would love your thoughts…?”), will put you in the driver’s seat by allowing them to be the center of the conversation.

2. Celebrate Their Wins
When someone shares great news with you, instead of dismissing it, sharing good news of your own, or even bashing their good news — celebrate their win by being genuinely excited for them.

3. Lock-in On Group Settings
For many, the group setting is the perfect opportunity to pull back, check their phone, and zone out of the conversation–but not you. Pay close attention in a group setting, you’ll be able to learn how to connect with others by what they say, how they say it, and even what people choose not to say. Be aware of who likes to lead the conversation, what people like to talk about, and if someone is being excluded from the conversation.

4. Make Eye Contact — Or Not
On a daily basis you are bombarded with distractions competing for one of your most precious resources–your attention. Making eye contact with the person you are speaking with face-to-face is an outward expression that you are confident and fully engaged with that person. However, if someone isn’t looking making eye contact with you, before you jump to conclusions, be aware that it may be culturally unacceptable for them to do so; they are intimidated by you; or it makes them uncomfortable.

5. Show Positive Body Language
You can project confidence, kindness, and leadership just by the way you carry yourself. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and chest out. We learn from Dr. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, "Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are", that how you carry yourself can impact how you think and feel about yourself–so get big!

Posted by: fangfang123 at 02:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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